Why Should I Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?
After a personal injury, a victim has to deal with their recovery and other distressing factors. Though many injury victims shy away from filing lawsuits, engaging the services of a lawyer could be the most logical choice for several reasons.
Feeling intimidated is fairly common in people who are injured by another party’s actions. A victim may be afraid to take the first step because they feel that they are not a litigious person. A victim may feel as though other people will judge them or that filing a lawsuit will make their situation worse. Having the strength to fight for compensation is important for a victim. Knowing when and how to ask for help does not make someone a bad person; it shows that they understand their situation and will stand up for what is right.
What Causes Personal Injuries?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 30 million people end up in hospital emergency rooms because of accidental injuries. A large number of these are due to car accidents, but other injuries are caused by dog bites, medical errors, slip and fall accidents, bicycle crashes, pedestrian accidents, and being struck by objects.
Some of the more serious personal injuries can be life-threatening or fatal, such as third-degree burns, spinal cord injuries, brain trauma, and internal organ damage. Severe wounds, muscle tears, and broken bones can also cause long-term impairments, high medical bills, lost time from work, and pain and suffering.
What if My Claim is Disputed?
Although people can certainly injure themselves, many personal injuries are caused by someone else’s negligence. If an accident resulted in minor property damage, the victim may be able to handle the claim on their own. It is important to know that insurance companies hire adjusters to negotiate and settle claims.
It is not unusual for the other party’s insurance company to dispute a claim, and it can be difficult for an injured victim to take this on by themselves. Knowing what to say and making the right decision is particularly challenging for someone who is injured and not familiar with personal injury law. Insurance companies may try to take advantage and if the victims does not understand their legal options, they could end up receiving much less than what they are legally entitled to.
What About My Recovery?
A personal injury lawyer is a good resource for obtaining quality health care treatment. A lawyer can recommend medical professionals who can provide appropriate, effective treatment to speed up the healing process. There is no reason for a victim to wait until they are healed before contacting a lawyer and doing so quickly can lead to a faster recovery. Some physicians may also step in as witnesses if the case ends up going to court. Hiring a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible allows a victim to focus more on their health instead of the stress from dealing with the insurance company. Stress can cause physical and mental symptoms.
Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Prove Liability?
Establishing liability in a personal injury case is not always a clear-cut process, especially if there are multiple parties involved. A lawyer can analyze the facts without emotion to determine the cause of the accident. Investigating it and sticking to the facts can help a lawyer determine if there is cause for a claim and the available legal options.
An insurance company may try to shift the blame to the injured party, offer a reduced settlement, or deny a claim. This is why it is essential to have an experienced lawyer to help establish liability objectively and to protect the injured from a crossclaim and counterclaim as well. They also have the ability to discover hidden evidence, video surveillance footage, and subpoena witnesses.
What About Injuries from Defective Products and Medical Providers?
Making claims against companies and medical organizations can be complex and challenging because both can have an aggressive team of lawyers who are dedicated to protecting their clients’ interests. They can try to delay a settlement by blocking access to important information and disputing a plaintiff’s credibility. An experienced lawyer is familiar with these tactics and knows how they operate. A lawyer also knows how insurance company representatives can act, and they are not subjected to the same emotions and pressures as an injured plaintiff. Also, they might be familiar with the defect product or particular medical provider, which can help move the case along quicker.
Can a Lawyer Help with Negotiations?
Most personal injury cases are settled outside of court. After a settlement, a plaintiff gives up their right to sue and will receive payments from an insurance company or the defendant. A lawyer can help resolve the case sooner and negotiate the settlement on their client’s behalf; this involves preparing an effective legal strategy that is in the client’s best interests.
Alternative Dispute Resolutions
Other options for some personal injury cases are arbitrations and mediations, which can often save time and money. These alternative dispute resolutions can be the best way to go, and a knowledgeable lawyer can help their client choose which option is best.
How can I Choose the Right Personal Injury Lawyer?
When consulting with a personal injury lawyer, it is highly recommended to get the fee information up front. In addition to asking about percentages, one can inquire about whether they will have to pay any fees in advance or other out-of-pocket costs. A lawyer should also have a general idea about what the case is worth, how long a resolution may take, and if any other issues could impact a verdict or settlement offer.
Asking about a lawyer’s background is also helpful. They should be willing to describe any similar cases, as well as the results they achieved. Depending on the type of personal injury case, it is wise to ask if the lawyer has represented clients in comparable situations. The injury victim will also want to know what the lawyer’s caseload is like to ensure that adequate time will be devoted to the case. Sometimes, the primary lawyer will need to delegate certain responsibilities to other firm members, so this should also be discussed ahead of time.
Bucks County Accident Lawyers at Freedman & Lorry, P.C. Represent Victims in Personal Injury Cases
If you are considering filing a personal injury claim after your accident, speak to a Bucks County accident lawyer at Freedman & Lorry, P.C. Call us at 215-925-8400 or complete our online form for a free consultation. Located in Philadelphia, and Cherry Hill, New Jersey, we serve clients throughout Pennsylvania.