How Truck Accident Claims Differ from Car Accident Claims
Anyone who has been involved in a minor traffic accident knows what a frightening experience it can be. When the accident involves a commercial truck, the odds of catastrophic damage increase significantly. After an accident, injured victims may consider filing a personal injury claim to recover compensation for their medical expenses and lost income if they are physically unable to work.
Knowing how claims involving trucks differ from car accident claims will better help you find the right attorney to handle your case quickly and successfully. The following are some of the factors your personal injury attorney will consider when managing your truck accident claim:
- Crash dynamics: The sheer size, weight, and force of a tractor trailer significantly increase the chance of catastrophic damage in an accident with a car, as opposed to a collision involving two cars.
- Insurance: Because they can potentially cause much more damage, insurance requirements for tractor trailers far exceed those for regular passenger vehicles. Interstate trucking companies must maintain a minimum of $750,000 in coverage. From there, different scenarios may warrant additional or separate coverage. For example, if the tractor and the trailer are owned by separate entities, they must both have insurance. Motor carriers must also carry insurance to cover members of the public who may be injured in a truck accident.
- Parties involved: Unlike car accidents, where the parties involved are fairly straightforward, truck accidents are more complex. In some cases, the driver may not be the only liable party. The trucking company may also bear some liability for an accident. Third-party repair and maintenance companies may be held accountable if a defective part or poorly maintained system caused the accident. Shippers, loaders, and brokers can also be named parties in a trucking accident.
- Trucking laws: Drivers, companies, and vehicles that transport people or property through interstate commerce have their own set of laws. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) address licensing, insurance, weight and route limitations, and service hours. All commercial truck drivers must comply with FMCSRs.
Trucking is an industry with many players and parties all working together to move goods across the country. When a commercial truck is involved in a serious wreck, it is not always a simple process to determine who is responsible and which legal course of action to take. Yet, truck accident victims need recourse to hold negligent parties accountable for their injuries. A Philadelphia personal injury lawyer with experience handling tractor trailer accident claims is your best advocate.
Many drivers are weary of approaching tractor trailers on the highway because of their formidable size and power. The idea of being involved in a collision with a commercial truck is disconcerting. It is important that victims injured in a serious truck accident have skilled legal representation and recourse to obtain fair settlements for the injuries that impact their quality of life.
Philadelphia Accident Lawyers at Freedman & Lorry, P.C. Represent Injured Truck Accident Victims
If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a car or truck accident, the dedicated legal team at Freedman & Lorry, P.C. are ready and available to fight on your behalf. To schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with a knowledgeable Philadelphia accident lawyer, call 888-999-1962 or contact us online. We have office locations in Center City and Cherry Hill, New Jersey to serve clients in the greater Philadelphia region. We also have an office in Pinehurst, North Carolina to serve our southern clients.